Pokemon Music Played Backwards is CREEPY

IwilltraveltotodayifI'msearchingfarandwide.Gottacatchthemall.Gottacatchthemall.Oh,myGod!JasonPete!Unbelievable.,Whyisitinreverseifudidn'tdoanythinglikereversething...gottacatch'emall!~pokémonlofi-ClosedonSunday·GirlSays ...,No,thisvideoisbullshit...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Pokemon Theme Backwards

I will travel to today if I'm searching far and wide. Gotta catch them all. Gotta catch them all. Oh, my God! Jason Pete! Unbelievable.

Doing 'The Pokémon Theme Song' in REVERSE ‍♂️ #pokemon ...

Why is it in reverse if u didn't do anything like reverse thing ... gotta catch 'em all! ~ pokémon lofi - Closed on Sunday · Girl Says ...

Gotta catch 'em all backwards = I love Satan?

No, this video is bullshit. It was created by the people who hate pokemon and think it is the work of the devil. Basically the ultra-Christians.

Pokemon XY gotta catch them all opening (reversed) (HD)

Just did this for entertainment purposes only enjoy! My Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/user106999402 Pokemon belongs to Nintendo no ...

Backwards Pt. 7- Pokemon Theme Song

7th video SongTitle: Pokemon Theme Song (Indigo League) -REVERSED- Note: don't take it seriously, fags (C) Song and images copyrighted to ...

Pokemon Rap - Backwards

Forward: 'Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (yo) Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all (yeah).' Play in Reverse. Show / Hide Reverse Lyrics. Reverse ...

Gotta catch 'em all REVERSE = I love Satan... Apparently.

I really don't hear the I love Satan part, it just sounds like gibberish. Try Stairway to Heaven backwards, that sounds pretty demonic, ...

What ever happened to gotta catch 'em all? - GameFAQs

評分 87% (59) · I believe they had to drop it because gotta catch 'em all backmasked very closely resembled the phrase I love satan. ,

Feeling morally confused right now....

Some claim that if one were to play backward the Pokerap, Gotta Catch em all can be heard as I love you, Satan. Click to expand... I actually listened to it ...

If the roles were reversed. Lol. Humimons! Gotta catch them all ...

If the roles were reversed. Lol. Humimons! Gotta catch them all!! #rodgontheartist #doodles #sketches ...


IwilltraveltotodayifI'msearchingfarandwide.Gottacatchthemall.Gottacatchthemall.Oh,myGod!JasonPete!Unbelievable.,Whyisitinreverseifudidn'tdoanythinglikereversething...gottacatch'emall!~pokémonlofi-ClosedonSunday·GirlSays ...,No,thisvideoisbullshit.Itwascreatedbythepeoplewhohatepokemonandthinkitistheworkofthedevil.Basicallytheultra-Christians.,Justdidthisforentertainmentpurposesonlyenjoy!MyVimeo...